Ultimate Tea & Teaware Gift Guide

Welcome to our updated 2021-2022 gift guide! This guide can help you choose tea and teaware for friends and family, experienced tea drinkers, and newbies.

Crowd-Pleasers: Our Top-Selling Loose-Leaf Teas

Choose any two types of our most popular loose leaf teas to create the perfect gift set. The reusable canisters are reusable and recyclable, and the sets are discounted in comparison to buying individually – great value!

Fail-Safe Brewing for Busy People

Automatic Tea Brewers

Teaware designed for real people – including first-time tea brewers, tea aficionados, parents, and anyone who accidentally over-brews their tea. We can all enjoy a perfectly steeped brew, every time.

On sale through December 31st, 2021!

The Best Teabags Ever: High-quality, Full-Leaf Tea Sachets

Maybe you know someone who hasn’t made the jump from teabags to premium loose-leaf teas. Here’s the good news: they don’t have to give up the convenience of teabags in order to drink great tea.

Green Tips Tea Sachets on sale through December 31st, 2021!

A Complete Tea Set

A full, matching tea set always makes a beautiful gift – especially for fancy, tea-party prone individuals.

Budget-Conscious Tea Gifts

Inexpensive, High Quality Loose-Leaf Teas

Inexpensive, High Quality Teaware

Gifts For Tea Snobs & Enthusiasts

These items are perfect for experienced tea lovers looking for a unique and authentic tea experience. They also make a great gifts for new tea drinkers who want to become true aficionados!

Tea Books

These beautiful books written by our founder Jason Chen are all about the history, farming, and processing of traditional Chinese teas. Jason’s beautiful photography abounds throughout both volumes.

Pressed Tea Cakes

Traditional Yixing Clay Teaware

Happy Shopping!

We hope this tea & teaware gift guide helps. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected], or tag us with a question on Instagram. Remember:

Tea Makes a Happy Day!