Brew-Along Video Tutorial: How To Enjoy Phoenix Mountain Oolong

Brew Phoenix Mountain Oolong together with tea master Jason Chen! This tea is also known as Dan Cong, meaning Single Tree.

Jason gives clear, simple guidance on how to enjoy this classic tea using an yixing teapot. Brewing gongfu style like this is a wonderful way to take a few minutes, relax, and be present with the tea.

Video Transcript

Jason speaking:

“I want to make a special oolong, called Phoenix Mountain. It’s my favorite oolong, and it comes from Guangdong Province in China.

It’s a Top-10 tea in China, and this one comes from my good friend. His tea garden is on the top of the mountain, about 5,000 feet.

This tea has a beautiful honey fragrance, which we call “honey orchid.” I will follow the traditional gongfu tea style to make tea, to show you, and have a cup of good tea with you.

Tea has a mother, which is water; it also has a father, which is good teaware. Today I prepared filtered water, and I warmed it up to 195 degrees Fahrenheit.

So first, I warm up the teapot. Then i put in the tea, because the fragrance from this oolong is so special – fragrance from Phoenix Mountain is wonderful, so sometimes I like to shake the teapot up to enjoy the fragrance.

Then, I wake up the leaf. Decant the water. It’s just for the wake up. The fragrance is beginning to be incredible.

Then I add the whole pot of water, and also use the dumped water to rinse the teapot. Clean the teapot, and just wait for 15 seconds; the tea will be ready. You can see the smoke coming from the skin, that means the teapot is breathing right now. It’s making tea right now. The water from the skin is drying quickly, see, it’s drying quickly. When the skin gets dry, that’s a sign for you to pour out the tea.

You can judge the tea from the color. If the color is light, you can stop and rinse it a little bit, and pour again. And… make the tea liquid a more balanced color, and balanced taste. Beautiful golden orange color… so it’s time to enjoy a good cup of tea! Yeah, try it. Wow… wonderful.”

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