Our hand-rolled Jasmine Pearls are sweet and soft, with an incredible real floral fragrance. They are made using traditional, time-tested methods, ensuring high quality:
High Elevation
Grown and produced in Fujian at an altitude of 600 meters: These tea leaves are grown in the high mountains, creating sweet and complex flavors.
Early Spring Season
There are three seasons for harvesting green tea leaves for jasmine tea: spring, summer, and fall. We use the best young tea leaves, picked in early spring.
Tea Leaf Processing
Hot air fired: Not all green tea processing methods allow the tea to absorb scent; hot air firing is the best for this purpose.
Finally, the sprigs of buds and young leaves are hand-rolled into the distinctive pearl shape, and stored until jasmine blooms in the summer.
Fresh Jasmine
Flowers with strong fragrance from Guangxi: Guangxi is famously the hometown of high quality jasmine. Jasmine flowers are purchased from the flower market at the right moment in the summertime, for high quality and strong fragrance.
4 to 5 repetitions of scenting with fresh flowers, ensuring the Jasmine Pearls’ unique fragrance can be enjoyed at length, through multiple steeps.
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